Thomas Chittenden for State Senate

In our state’s history, we've seen tough times.  But “out of storm and manifold perils” our state and our Democracy have endured. To rise from this crisis stronger and better than ever, we need leaders in Montpelier focused on rebuilding our economy, stewarding the environment and building our public infrastructure for the 21st century.   And that is why I am running for Vermont State Senate.

As we start to come out of this crisis, we need to upgrade our economy with more regionalized approaches to municipal services for better outcomes.  We need to streamline our regulations to attract more private investment to help green our states aging infrastructure.  We need to generate new revenue using modern technologies while growing our economic tax base. With the right strategic priorities, our state and our industries will continue to stand out and thrive as global leaders in tourism, environmentally conscious goods and advanced manufacturing.  

Why am I qualified to serve you in Montpelier?  I am a three term South Burlington City Councilor, the past chair of Green Mountain Transit Board, and have twice been elected by the University of Vermont Faculty to be their Faculty Senate President.  I am a husband, a father, a Rotarian and a deep rooted Vermonter.  I’ve been a community volunteer since grade school and I'm ready to take my life of service to Montpelier to represent you.  If you want to know more about me, please visit

With your support, I will bring my experience in public policy and business to Montpelier.  We can and should fight for better jobs AND our environment. We should set our sights on a future in which everyone participates and contributes in a clean and healthy environment.

I am proud of my deep roots in Vermont and I’m committed to growing our economy sustainably so our current and future generations have more opportunity to stay, live, work and thrive here.  I know how to get it done and if you send me to Montpelier, I will.  

The best part of elected service is hearing from people about what they care about. Please reach out to tell me what you care about and I will take your priorities to Montpelier.  

On August 11th, I hope to earn your vote.


Thomas I. Chittenden

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